What we’ve learned after years of making animation videos

Here’s the deal – at DemoFlick, we may be an animated video production company, but you’d be surprised by the wide range of knowledge we’ve accumulated over the years. We’ve...
Learning about Animated Videos
Here’s the deal – at DemoFlick, we may be an animated video production company, but you’d be surprised by the wide range of knowledge we’ve accumulated over the years. We’ve worked with a range of clients in various industries, and each client has their own specialty, from biochemical engineering to financial investment. 

We ask questions… a LOT of questions

Sure, we spend lots of time in the animation studio, obsessing over making those last few seconds of your video as awesome and engaging as possible. But in order to get to this point, we need to know what it is that we’re animating, exactly. Plus, we’re also in charge of writing the script, so we need to know what we’re talking about. This is why we ask a bunch of questions and dive deep into research for every project. We like to get intimate with our clients’ specialties because understanding their value proposition is crucial to us. So we end up learning quite a bit from these subjects, and our vocabulary is always growing!

Some fun words and abbreviations we’ve learned from our clients

KubernetesKubernetes is an open-source container-orchestration system for automating application deployment, scaling, and management. It’s vendor-agnostic, was developed by Google, and is Greek for “helmsman of a ship.” EDI – This stands for Electronic Data Interchange. EDI is simply the concept of businesses sending electronic communication that was traditionally communicated using paper. Silos – No, not the agriculture kind. A silo is a system, process, or department in a business that operates in isolation from the others. This happens when these groups don’t share their information and priorities with each other. EHR – Electronic health record, similar to EDI. ICR – Intelligent Character Recognition, or ICR, is the computer translation of hand-printed and/or written characters. Using a scanner, you can enter hand-printed data. The captured image then gets analyzed and translated by the ICR software. Enterprise Intelligence – This concept describes an ongoing practice in which you analyze disparate data sources (data that can’t be compared to one another) to identify the vulnerabilities and threats across your enterprise. It allows you to act accordingly if weaknesses are found. Source of truth – This concept is also abbreviated as SSOT for ‘single source of truth’. Coming from information systems design and theory, SSOT is the practice of structuring information models and associated data schema so that all data points are mastered, or edited, in only one place. This prevents, or at least helps reduce, conflicts between data points. Spot rate – No, this doesn’t mean how quickly you can spot something. The spot rate comes from the investing world, and it’s the price quoted for immediate settlement on a commodity, a security, or a currency. It’s also referred to as ‘spot price’. Adaptive Understanding Technology – This technology combines artificial intelligence and human-assisted understanding to improve how businesses and their customers communicate without the use of a live agent.  This is just some of the stuff we’ve accumulated through the years, but we are far from finished. We’d love to learn all about your industry – and make an awesome animated video as a result. Get in touch with us to discuss your project!

Wade Koens

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