Tips for Creating Professional Looking Videos for Instagram

professional looking video for instagram

Professional looking videos for Instagram.  Where do you get them produced?   Just because you are recording the video on your phone doesn’t meant your Instagram videos have to look unprofessional. In fact, when done correctly, your business can benefit hugely by creating and sharing professional-looking videos on Instagram. Here are five secrets to creating and […]

Why SEO and Video Marketing Go Hand in Hand

video marketing and SEO

SEO and video marketing are meant to be together, despite some of the current online marketing buzz saying otherwise. While some people think that content marketing makes SEO obsolete, the truth is that they complement each other. You need both SEO and content marketing in order to drive traffic to your site. Video marketing is […]

Video Marketing Boston firm Demoflick offers advice on Video Marketing

video marketing boston

Video marketing Boston based firm Demoflick is here to help.  Let’s face it consumers nowadays are more sophisticated. They are smarter and they choose which advertisements are worth their time and attention. Gone are the days when companies could simply bombard consumers with video ads, expecting conversions and clicks. There is always the temptation to […]

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